5 Best Sites to Get Answers to Your Questions Quickly


The Internet is a rich resource of information on all things imaginable. But while you can just key in a query on the Google search box, you are not sure you would get the right information. This is especially true if you are looking for answers to specific questions.

Here are Five resources that you can use to get answers to questions.

When you’re looking online for answers to questions, sometimes it’s best to skip the generic Google search and instead go for these Resources.

1. Yahoo! Answers

2.  Mahalo Answers

3.  Answer bag

Above three work similarly. these  are made up of user-submitted questions with answers provided by other members in the community.  community members are encouraged to submit good quality answers to questions . When you ask a question, you can offer a tip to other users who can provide the best answer, which is then chosen either by you or from votes from the community.

To get an answer to your question, first try searching for existing answers to the same or similar questions. Type in your question on the searchbox, and check whether other people have asked—and answered—the question. If you can’t find existing content, click the “Ask a Question” link to submit your own question.

4.  Twitter

Twitter has been hailed as one of the most flexible platforms for exchanging information online—in 140 characters or less. Twitter has expanded into being somewhat a messaging platform where users can exchange public and private messages both with the rest of the Twitter community or within their own networks.

Aside from messaging, Twitter is also considered a rich ocean of data and information that can be mined. Featuring its own search engine, users can look for discussions and “tweets” on just about any topic imaginable. While you don’t usually run searches in the form of questions, you can input keywords or hashtags (which are keywords that start with the hash like #football), which people use to attach keywords in their tweets.

5.  Forums

Forum is  good resource  I can recommend for finding answers to questions are forums. These types of websites have been popular even before blogs, Wikipedia, Twitter and other websites existed. Forums are mainly community-driven. Therefore, how useful a forum will be will depend on how active the community is.  also Forums are specific to a topic or niche.

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